
The deployment process relies on Docker containers, which can be deployed through horizontal scaling solutions like Kubernetes or AWS Elastic Beanstalk, just to give a couple of examples.

Docker Image

An automated docker image is built via continous integration using Docker Hub, and is publicly available as pabloszx/learner-model-gql. The Dockerfile of the image is available at the root as /Dockerfile.


The Docker image doesn't have any default command, it has to be manually specified.

Expected possible commands:

  • Gateway: pnpm -r start --filter=service-gateway
  • State Service: pnpm -r start --filter=service-state
  • Projects Service: pnpm -r start --filter=service-projects
  • Domain Service: pnpm -r start --filter=service-domain
  • Content Service: pnpm -r start --filter=service-content
  • Actions Service: pnpm -r start --filter=service-actions
  • Users Service: pnpm -r start --filter=service-users
  • Apply migrations on database: pnpm -r migrate:deploy

Environment Variables

Every service expects the following environment variables:

  • DATABASE_URL: Connection URL to Postgres Database
  • AUTH0_DOMAIN + AUTH0_CLIENT + AUTH0_SECRET: Auth0 credentials

By default every service will listen depending on the environment variable PORT, but if not present, it fallbacks to the port specified in packages/services/list.ts.

The Gateway also can use the environment variable PORT, but if not present, it fallbacks to the port 8080.

Single server host deployment

The project can also be deployed in a single server host, which for this use-case its recommended to leverage Docker Compose.

In the root of the project's repository a docker-compose.yml is available, which has all the minimum configuration required to deploy the system in a single host. The recommended docker-compose.yml expects to have a .env file besides, containing all the credentials just as mentioned in the Getting Started page.