Database tooling


Included database tooling scripts logic in available in packages/db/scripts

These scripts should be called through calling pnpm scripts while being inside the packages/db directory.

Database Tooling Scripts

You can use arrow keys ↑ ↓ to select the desired script, and press Enter to confirm the selection.

Database Tooling Scripts

This script does a basic "get everything" including user and project basic data, and creates a new .csv file, using json2csv to convert the json to csv seamlessly.

import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import json2csv from "json2csv";
import { prisma } from "../src";
const actions = await prisma.action.findMany({
include: {
user: {
select: {
email: true,
name: true,
project: {
select: {
code: true,
label: true,
const now = new Date().toISOString();
const csv = await json2csv.parseAsync(actions);
await writeFile(`./scripts_data/actions_${now}.csv`, csv, "utf-8");

The result is saved in the scripts_data directory, which should open automatically after the script is executed successfully.

This script, just as download-actions-csv, does a basic "get everything" including user and project basic data, but creates a .json file instead, which might be more useful in certain environments or programmatic usage.

import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { prisma } from "../src";
const actions = await prisma.action.findMany({
include: {
user: {
select: {
email: true,
name: true,
project: {
select: {
code: true,
label: true,
const now = new Date().toISOString();
await writeFile(
JSON.stringify(actions, null, 2),

Create your own script / Modify the existing scripts

You are completely free to create your own new scripts or modify the existing scripts based on your needs.

The pnpm scripts selection will automatically accept any new script file, the CLI logic code is available in packages/db/run-scripts.ts.